Saturday, 25 June 2011

Unikko & Musse puppies at 4 weeks

Musseson 2300gr
 Now the puppies have reached the milestone of 4 whole weeks of age, and today we had the luxury of Jo and Shelley helping to take photos so the puppies can be shown off properly. Jo took over a hundred photos which I will add to the blog as the week goes.
We now have a nice puppy pen in the garden so they can stretch out and have a proper game outside, perfect as long as the weather holds out!
We had some lovely visitors and the puppies have had a massive amount of lovely cuddles:)

Alma 2060gr

Anton 2250gr

Lina 2000gr

Ida 1850gr

Jullan 2100gr

Emil 2100gr

Its hard work posing

But mummy is keeping an eye on so to make sure all are spick n span, no mucky pups allowed  to be photographed:)


  1. Had a lovely day and they are yummy scrummy puppies x

  2. They all look very scrummy, glad you all had a great day :)
