Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Unikko & Musses pups: big move and first taste of food

 So far its been an exciting week. puppies have moved from upstairs room and the whelping box down to the kitchen into a lovely large pen. There is more room to stagger around and also more comfortable for Unikko as its more airy and she can rest next to the pen on the cool tiled floor.
Less exciting was the prospect of worming, but first lot of three days of panacur have now been done which both pups and me are grateful about!
Much much more fun was the first taste of food! As their cousins, Kaisas pups had started on mousse I though I try the same. As I feed fish 4 dogs I got some of their salmon mousse and this really went down a treat, finger licking and in the end bowl licking good for all:-)
Like babies, puppies need to rest to grow, much been going on  which all have been taken in its stride. now for a snooze to allow for growing bones:-)

Very cute, I cant see enough of them.

Lovely full puppy belly:)


  1. now you wont get anything done - will spend hours gazing at them, sitting in kitchen

  2. Glad the move went well and Unikko can now lay on the cooler floor bless her but ditto Toni's comment that's it nothing will get done for the next 5 weeks. Looking forward to seeing weights on Sat especially if they are getting extra's.

  3. They seem to be growing so fast. They are such cute puppies.
