Thursday, 30 June 2011

A Thursday puppy fix..

 Its a busy but very lovely time. The puppies couldn't be much cuter!
I want to share some pics from the weekend and some from this morning as they love being out in the pen. Its warm so they have a small "paddling pool" (a shallow plastic bowl!) which they love.

Jo wanted a photo with me and all the pups, mmm bit of a challenge!

Alma meets Sidney

Hello hello hello, we love everybody!!

Monday, 27 June 2011

Unikko & Musse puppies photos from 4 week weekend

 Jo very kindly brought her camera on Saturday and took over 200 hundres photos so have look at a few selected ones for today, more later in week:)

             Just cute cute cute:)

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Unikko & Musse puppies at 4 weeks

Musseson 2300gr
 Now the puppies have reached the milestone of 4 whole weeks of age, and today we had the luxury of Jo and Shelley helping to take photos so the puppies can be shown off properly. Jo took over a hundred photos which I will add to the blog as the week goes.
We now have a nice puppy pen in the garden so they can stretch out and have a proper game outside, perfect as long as the weather holds out!
We had some lovely visitors and the puppies have had a massive amount of lovely cuddles:)

Alma 2060gr

Anton 2250gr

Lina 2000gr

Ida 1850gr

Jullan 2100gr

Emil 2100gr

Its hard work posing

But mummy is keeping an eye on so to make sure all are spick n span, no mucky pups allowed  to be photographed:)

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

A simple life

 Life as a 25 days old Finnish Lapphund Puppy is very simple:

We now play a little bit with toys

We play and  wrestle a lot with each other!

We then have some food, love it! However Mums milkybar is still no 1 favourite:)

And then we fall asleep:-)

We are all now looking forward to the weekend when we will meet some of our future families, very exciting!

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Unikko and Musse puppies at 3 weeks

Musseson 1750gr
 I cant believe that three weeks have gone already! Puppies are doing great, now enjoying a bit of salmon mousse daily as well as milk from Unikko, we will now experiment with some rice pudding, scrambled egg, a bit of raw mince and finally some soaked puppy kibble as the week go.
Each puppy are developing their own character Emil and Alma are busy in the pen, like to attempt to proper wrestling. Anton , Lina and Ida are very laid back and Musseson and Jullan mainly like to eat!
I'm amazed how quickly they bond with me and Brent, they already rush up to the gate to greet us with wagging tails and squeaky bark or squeal:-)
Next week they will meet their new potential families!, Very exciting, hope they are on best behaviour :-)
New weights,( with some difficulty as my kitchen scales are not that big, needle flicking all over!) All are gaining and looking well, thats most important:-)
Alma 1600gr

Anton 1680gr

Lina 1580gr

Ida 1440gr

Jullan 1550gr

Emil 1520gr

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Unikko & Musses pups: big move and first taste of food

 So far its been an exciting week. puppies have moved from upstairs room and the whelping box down to the kitchen into a lovely large pen. There is more room to stagger around and also more comfortable for Unikko as its more airy and she can rest next to the pen on the cool tiled floor.
Less exciting was the prospect of worming, but first lot of three days of panacur have now been done which both pups and me are grateful about!
Much much more fun was the first taste of food! As their cousins, Kaisas pups had started on mousse I though I try the same. As I feed fish 4 dogs I got some of their salmon mousse and this really went down a treat, finger licking and in the end bowl licking good for all:-)
Like babies, puppies need to rest to grow, much been going on  which all have been taken in its stride. now for a snooze to allow for growing bones:-)

Very cute, I cant see enough of them.

Lovely full puppy belly:)

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Unikko & Musse puppies at 2 weeks

Musseson 1140gr
An other weeks have flown by and the puppies have now reached 2 weeks. Eyes are now open, and the claws have been cut!
They are really strong, standing up and wobbling away on all four legs, so funny:)
They enjoy being handled and fall a sleep in my lap when they get a chance.
Unikko is a very good mum, feeding them well and keeping the pen clean. They will get a change in environment as I plan to move them into the kitchen to a larger pen as some stage in the week, just measuring up space for now!
Alma 1100gr

Anton 1140gr
Lina 1080 gr

Ida 920gr

Jullan 1040

Emil 1000gr