Sunday, 17 July 2011

Unikko & Musse puppies at 7 weeks

Musseson now Tumma Laatu
The time had to come and puppies are to get ready to move to new families. Pia and Erika decided to give puppies a proper grooming session, so they had a bath as well as claws cut, (claws have been cut weekly so they are used to this)
Three puppies went on Saturday and one today and one more girl goes next week. They are all going to fantastic new homes so although tears were shed, its a happy moment.
 Sadly one family suddenly have had to change plans so we now have Anton staying a bit longer, company for Lina who is staying here with us:)

Tumma Lattu (dark nature in Finnish) Have moved to Plymoth with Jo, George and Josh and Lappy Tarkka

Alma now Gretel

Gretel have moved to Burnham on Crouch to Sarah and Gordon and their cats




Lina, staying in Pevensey

Ida, moves next week

Ida, who have lovely new family name :)

Jullan, now Black Diamond have moved to Yeovil  to Tia, Sam, Tate and Ed and their malamutes

Black Diamond or Zora as pet name

Emil now Mika have moved just up the road to Jackie and Dave

Tiring having a bath...

Magnificent seven:)


  1. lovely pups - well done you and Unikko:)

  2. Lovely update you have done a grand job Laatu has settled here so well can't believe he's only been here 24 hours (suppose I'm not use to being up for most of them lol)

    Big hugs from all of us down in Plymouth.

    Anton is a lovely chunky lappy I'm sure he will get fab owners who love him lots soon and in the meantime I'm sure Lina is more than happy to have her bro hanging out with her a bit longer.


  3. How gorgeous they are with super markings. They look happy and healthy Susanne, great job. xxx
